Artificial fruit sensor system for monitoring the thermal behaviour of fruit in the cold chain

Type. KTI project

Funding. This project is funded by the Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI-KTI).

Duration. 1 year (2016-2017)

Collaborations. Agroscope (Dr. Andreas Bühlmann), Citrus Research International (Dr. Paul Cronje) in South Africa.

Contact. Thijs Defraeye (principal investigator).


Project background: Empa News


1.  Defraeye T., Wu W., Prawiranto K., Fortunato G., Kemp S., Hartmann S., Cronje P., Verboven P., Nicolai B. (2017), Artificial fruit for monitoring the thermal history of horticultural produce in the cold chain, Journal of Food Engineering 215, 51-60. DOI and postprint

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